Right to Receive Information
Rincon Resources Limited – ACN 628 003 538
Notice of members rights under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) with respect to receiving certain documents
Pursuant to section 110K of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), Rincon Resources Limited (Rincon or the Company) gives notice to its members of their right to:
- elect to receive or not receive specific documents; and
- make requests to receive specific documents in physical or electronic form.
by notifying Rincon of their election.
Members may make an election in relation to all the documents or types of documents specified below, or elect to receive certain documents in physical form and other documents in electronic form.
The specific types of documents to which an election applies include:
- documents relating to a meeting of the members of the Company, such as notices of meeting, proxy forms or voting forms;
- documents disclosed annually through Rincon’s Annual Report (this includes the financial report, the directors’ report and the auditor’s report);
- a notice of members’ rights under section 110K of the Corporations Act (such as this notice); and
- any other documents prescribed by relevant regulations.
Rincon encourages all members to receive electronic documents. This will allow members to both stay informed and to reduce the impact on the environment of producing hard copies of these documents.
Making your choice
You can make your election and/or request by contacting our share registry directly at
p: 1300 288 664 (within Australia) +61 (0)2 9698 5414 (Overseas)
Please note that you will require your Shareholder Reference Number (SRN/HIN) to make the change.